Thursday 2 May 2019


The RLSS UK have a report on their website of the breakdown of drownings in 2018.  Well worth a read. Figures indicate that a total of 585 people lost their lives in 2018, compared to 592 in 2017.

The accidental drowning figures do reveal some variations in terms of previous year’s statistics:
  • Inland drowning (e.g. lakes, reservoirs, rivers etc) is up both against the three-year average (154 people) and against those people losing their lives to coastal drowning (73 people).
  • Drowning is a male dominated issue, with a ratio of seven males to one female losing their lives to drowning, however, analysis against three-year data shows an increase in females losing their lives in 2018 (33 people).
  • Drownings of individuals with alcohol or drugs in their system are down from 100 people in 2017 to 92 people in 2018.
The most startling fact is that the largest ‘grouping’ of people losing their lives in 2018 was once again, those people who had no intention of going into the water and were walking or running close to water (93 people)
The need for increased water safety is paramount.

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